Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

An alpha and an omega...

Yeah... it's kinda too late to post this at this time... It was released last year (actually a couple months ago).. But surely it has sooooo dramatic love story.. I am amazed the way they put the goddamn so-always love-theme plot into some fierce and brutal wolves' life.. It was begun by the unfated love between the alpha wolf (the future leader of the pack if I'm not mistaken) and the omega (the ordinary wolf)... There's an absolute rule that an alpha has to marry only another alpha.. I think it is still ordinary.. It just like the high class woman can't marry the ordinary street-man guy or visca versa... But yeah it's just only set into the wolves thing.. There are two packs of wolves-western pack and eastern pack- each claims the opposite side of the canada national park.. Then when the eastern side has nothing left to eat, they begin to hunt pass the territory boarding the west and east side.. Of course it leads into a big fight with the both sides want to claim the whole entire area.. It is settled that the alpha of the west side, Kate must marry the alpha of the east side, Garth and when they meet at the moonlight howl (it's so breath-taking) Garth doesn't leave a deep impression on Kate because his so ugly howls. And that's when the story begins. Kate was taken by the hunter to repopulate with another wolf-an omega named Humphrey who always wants to go out with her to another national park-Idaho. Kate has to come back to Jasper in no time if she wants the both packs are still in good condition. With the help of two gooses they set their adventure to come home with so much love drama and Kate starts to have feelings for Humphrey. Meanwhile at Jasper, Garth also fall in love with Kate's sister whick is also an omega (cool plot).. Kate's sister teach him how to howl and in return Garth teaching him how to hunt..  I really love when the two of them howls as an alpha and an omega breaking the taboo that an alpha can only howl with only another alpha.. When Kate and Humphrey come back home, the two packs have started the fight.. Kate arrives just in time to declare that she will marry Garth to reunite the packs against her feeling to the omega she really falls in love.. But yeah in the end Kate realize that she can't do it with Garth and cancels the wedding ceremonial.. Of course it give tension to the eastern clan... But after the stampede when Kate and Humphrey save the leader of the two packs, her father agree his alpha daughter to marry with the omega Humphrey and also Garth's father also agree that his alpha son can marry with the omega (Kate's sister).. It comes to a happy ending at the end.. Cool romance story, cool graphic.. It just shows us that true love can't be blocked just by a social status and if we persist striving for the love, it will bear the most beautiful fruit ever..  Let's howl together..

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