Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Today is sure like hell

Since it wasn't gonna rain anymore, I decided to 'hunt' some shirts... I only have few and surely I need some extras for college.. I cursed myself... Why am I stuck in this size?? I'm thin and rather short for boy's size.. So the shirt fitted to me is only small size... It's very hard to find the good one in small size... All the good stuffs are in L or M size... I took 2 hours for me to bump into a couple of good shirts in small size... But what was I looking for is the shirts in the display and it had no S for the size.. I cursed myself again... I've been doing swimming since I was in elementary school... But I'm still in this height for about 2 years... What?! No progress at all... May be it's what make life fair... You couldn't get all the best in your life... Sometimes you're born with some excellent talents but surely you are lack of something else... Just like me... May be I would just accept  it whatever I am since I can't do anything to fix my body either.. But it's sucks to search good clothes for me if I have sth to argue... Now I don't need anything but rest... Walking off two hours in vain surely take all my stamina off... Nite everyone...

I really hate MONDAY... It's MoanDay actually...

Bah.. I got my butt up at 7 this morning... I used to get up at 10 before... So it's kinda hard to get up that early... I wonder if today was Tuesday before I realized Tuesday would be more pain in the ass... If I got up at 7 on Tuesday, I would prefer to die... I might not be able to bear the shame being the one who was late at the first day of orientation... I might no be able to eat the peas just like they have told me if I was late even just a minute... Just thinking 'bout it make me feel sick... After I got up I take my graduation photos... It is lovely... I was in the good shape when the photo was taken.. hahaha... Nothing to be ashamed off... Just after I grabbed my good mood, I thought the day would be perfect... I was totally wrong... The next hour was the worst pain in the neck I've ever had... I had to go to my college and they forced me to dot (or bald the options actually, dotting would be much easier) the answers of somewhat test and I had to do it 567 times at once.. My thumbs was already numb when I reached 200 and there were still more to dot... Fucked YOU... I swear it would swell tonight... But I hope it wouldn't... I don't want to be a freak with a swollen right hand tomorrow... I still can feel the pain until now... And the test was AWESOME... It's totally unworthy to be answered.. The question was just  like : DO YOU LIKE COOKING?? And we only have two answers for all the question... YES or No.. It was that simple... But it was pain when you have to bald all your answers... And I have nothing to do now... If the sky wasn't just like ''it was gonna rain in a minute" I think I would hunt some shirts this time.. But It is gonna rain soon... And I have nothing to do besides I am writing this crap at the moment...

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

My first day blogging....

Whoaaa... I never ever think I would waste my time creating a blog and pour myself into it... It's just nostalgic.. I know I'm snoob in tech and sort of things like that... But yeah... I just need something to KILL my time now... Today is my first orientation day.. I just wish today would be PERFECT.. Getting lots of new friend... And not just FRIEND actually.. XD Guess I couldn't complain.. Yeah.. I know I'm not THAT kind of person who just introduce urself to whomever you just bump urself into... But surely I just want to be like that... Want to be some1 not introvert like who I am now.. Hahaha... It's too much, I know... I just wished.. Having some friends to spend the weekend with would be nice and  to watch he movie together as well ... BUT What a GODDAMN day today is... Singing some crap songs and even one of the song is written in a language I don't know... I still felt grateful today coz I was still in the same group with my classmates.. At least I had someone to talk with... That's the good thing... But the bad thing is the person I was talking to is the least person of whom I never want to talk with... Bah... I just don't want to remember that part... And If my eyes hadn't been shut because I felt so so sleepy that time, I found the person who enrolled the medicine school was not the person I first had imagined... I think they would be yeah cool and cozy.. But bah... You know what I meant... Guess I can't complain too about this thing... Now I felt so sleepy... Nite everyone... Hope in the second day of the orientation I would successfully make SOME FRIEND... Just wish me luck...